ERPNext Presentation

100% Open Source

Winner of BOSSIE Award (InfoWorld).
Rated as one of the best Open Source ERPs by Capterra,, Enterprise Apps Today.

Benefits of Open Source

  • Cost savings.
  • Made collaboratively by volunteers.
  • Flexibility and freedom.
  • Ability to customize.
  • No licensing cost.
  • Community support.
  • No vendor lock-in.
  • Host on premise or on the cloud.

Web-based App

Mobile App

Easy to customize

  • Report.
  • Custom fields and forms.
  • Print formats.
  • Scripts.
  • Email alerts.
  • Workflows.
  • API integration.
  • Apps / Plugins.


The following ERPNext integrations are currently offered by the vendor:
* Google Calendar.    * Gmail.
* Google Maps.          * WhatsApp.
* Twilio.         * Bitium.
* SphereWMS.       * Frappe.
* Stripe.         * Dropbox.
* PayPal.        * SparkPost.
* GitHub.           * Shopify.
* Woocommerce.      * RazorPay.

Designed for both, simplicity and power.



Point Of Sale

User Management



ERPNext comes with 1000+ objects to help you run your business.

Video Tutorials

User Manual

Technical Support